宁海县德弘涛文具用品厂主要生产文具礼品(如:开信刀,CD盒开启器)等。 并与较大规模生产文具的十几家生产企业形成联营体.开发的各种产品款式新颖、价廉物美,远销美国、欧洲东南亚等和地区,深受国内外客户的青睐。在新的世纪里,“德弘涛”将加速企业“质量、服务、形象”三位一体的经营思路,朝着“创”经营发展目标迈进。根据国内外现代文具市场的需求,公司不断开发创新,愿与国内外文具礼品同行共携手发展,创造美好前景。
NingHai DeHongTao Stationery Company mainly manufacturing the products of letter opener, swimming container, CD opener etc. DeHongTao cooperate with more than 10 professional stationery enterprises around . DeHongTao are producing various stationery products. The goods reach to the , Europe and East Asia 's markets. In the new stage, company improves the brand for its reliable quality, product variety and professional service and approaching the goal of brand of world. According to the demand of modern stationery industry, company never ending innovate new products and cooperate with other enterprises. We sincerely would like to establish mutual beneficial cooperation with you to creating a new future.